Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Kisi-kisi bahasa inggris 2009 semester genap kelas 2

Materi Kelas X Semester 1&2 (25%)
Materi Kelas XI Semester 3 (25%)
Materi Kelas XI Semester 4 (50%)

1. Adjectives showing colors, quality, size, shape, age, original, material (2 soal)
2. Adjectives showing physical and non physical (2 soal)
3. expression used to show regrets and apologies. (1 soal)
4. Expression used to show sympathy (1 (1 soal)
5. Adjectives ( (...ed) (1 soal)
6. Verb agreement (1 soal)
7. Modal auxiliaries ( 1 soal)
8. Expressions used in expressing preference (2 soal)
9. Conditional sentenceType I (1 soal)
10. Asking for and giving direction (1 soal)
11. Memo (2 soal)
12. Explain sign and symbols (1 soal)

1. Guest handling (1 soal)
2. Question with WH-question (1 soal)
3. Question with Yes/ No question ( 1 Soal)
4. Gerund (1soal)
5. Present continuous tense (1 soal)
6. Memo (2 soal)
7. Reported speech (1 soal)
8. Relative pronoun (2 soal)
9. Telling about past event (3 soal)
10. Past Continuous tense when / while (1 soal)
11. Past future (1 soal)
12. short messages (2 soal)
13. list (2 soal)
14. Giving invitation (2 soal)
15. Cause and effect relationship (1 soal)
16. Concessive relationship (1 soal)
17. Giving and responding compliment (1 soal)
18. Expressing opinions (1 soal)
19. Expressing arguments (1 soal)
20. Degrees of Comparison (1 soal)
21. Convincing and persuading ( 1 soal)
22. Describing process (2 soal)
23. Conditional sentence Type II & III (2soal)
24. Expressing necessity (1 soal)
25. Asking for and giving suggestion and advice (1soal)

4 komentar:

  1. thank you for this information..

  2. buuu . . kapan2 anak2 di ajari speaking donk

  3. wew.... bu tambahin nilainya y......


  4. Salam kenal, Ibu Endang!

    Saya baru saja melihat blog Ibu yang sangat informatif ini.

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    Website saya dikunjungi sekitar 1.000 pengunjung per harinya.

    Mohon hubungi saya di jika ibu tertarik untuk melakukan link exchange.

    Terima kasih!

    Ivah Gani
